REGISTRO DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10575016

Luciana Aparecida Gomes1

Volunteering in the healthcare sector is a powerful expression of empathy and solidarity,  capable of impacting not only the communities served but also the lives of those who  engage in this altruistic practice. Among the various age groups involved in this  movement, young people aged 11 to 14 represent a significant part, offering not only  their vibrant energy but also valuable and transformative learnings. 

In this context, this study aims to explore and analyze the specific impact of healthcare  volunteering for youths aged 11 to 14. This phase of adolescence is crucial for personal  and social development, with volunteering being a potential tool for the growth and  well-being of these individuals. By examining the effects of this practice on the mental,  physical, and emotional health of young volunteers, the goal is to offer an in-depth view  of the benefits and challenges faced by this age group in the realm of healthcare  volunteering. 

Through literature review and analysis of relevant studies, this text seeks to highlight  not only the positive impacts of active participation in volunteering within this age group  but also the mechanisms through which these transformative effects are achieved.  Understanding these aspects makes it possible not only to value the role of youths in  healthcare volunteering but also to promote effective strategies to enhance these  beneficial impacts in their lives and the communities they serve. 

Volunteering in the healthcare sector represents an effective means not only of  providing assistance to communities but also of personal development for young  individuals. Within this context, young people aged between 11 and 14 plays a  significant role, contributing not only their vibrant energy but also obtaining  transformative benefits for their physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Research highlights that engagement in volunteer activities provides unique  opportunities for the social and emotional development of young individuals. According to Laura Wray-Lake et al. (2010), volunteering offers a conducive environment for  strengthening social skills such as teamwork, empathy, and problem-solving,  fundamental aspects for the healthy development of adolescents. Moreover, these  experiences can contribute to the building of self-esteem and personal identity, as  mentioned by Peggy G. Chen et al. (2019). 

As highlighted by Brown et al. (2008), volunteering is linked to positive impacts on  mental health, showcasing correlations between engagement in volunteer work and  improved mental well-being, albeit predominantly focusing on older demographics.  Similarly, Konrath et al. (2009) have explored the relationship between youth  volunteering and positive youth development, emphasizing how such involvement can  shape the emotional and social welfare of young individuals, emphasizing its potential  influence on fostering positive psychological growth. 

Moreover, Genari et al. (2020) conducted a systematic review specifically examining the  health and well-being benefits of youth volunteering. This comprehensive review  provided insights into the positive effects associated with volunteering among young  individuals, shedding light on its far-reaching impacts on their overall health and  wellness. 

Beyond mental health, volunteering has shown promising impacts on the physical health  of young volunteers. Ham & Newman (2017) highlighted the potential of volunteering  to raise awareness of health-related issues and positively influence lifestyle choices  among young volunteers. Regular engagement in volunteer activities has been  correlated with the adoption of healthy habits, such as balanced nutrition and increased  physical activity, as emphasized by Brown et al. (2008) in their study focusing on older  individuals. 

However, while the benefits are evident, it is essential to address the challenges faced  by young volunteers. Programs aimed at providing adequate support and training to  navigate emotionally challenging situations are recommended, as emphasized in various studies across different demographics (Brown et al., 2008; Konrath et al., 2009).

The impact of volunteering on the mental health of young individuals is remarkable.  Studies indicate that engagement in volunteer activities is associated with reduced  levels of anxiety and depression among teenagers (Phipps & Wells, 2018). Positive  interaction with patients or underprivileged communities can promote a sense of  purpose and satisfaction, reducing stress and enhancing the mental health of young  individuals. 

Apart from the effects on mental health, volunteering can also have positive impacts on  the physical health of young individuals. Regular involvement in volunteer activities can  promote the adoption of healthy habits, such as balanced nutrition and physical activity.  As emphasized by Ham & Newman (2017), exposure to a volunteering environment can  increase awareness of health issues and influence healthy lifestyle choices. 

However, it is important to consider the challenges faced by young volunteers, such as  the need for adequate support and guidance to deal with emotionally challenging  situations. Therefore, the implementation of support programs and training for young  volunteers is recommended to maximize benefits and minimize potential adverse  effects. 

In summary, the exploration of volunteering’s impact within the healthcare sector on  adolescents, particularly those aged 11 to 14, reveals a profound correlation between  engagement in volunteer activities and the holistic development of young individuals. Through the lens of multiple studies and systematic reviews, it becomes evident that  volunteering extends beyond mere community assistance, emerging as a catalyst for  personal growth among youth. The findings consistently highlight the transformative  effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being, emphasizing how involvement in  such activities fosters social and emotional skills crucial for healthy development. While  the positive influences on mental health are well-documented, studies also shed light  on the promising implications for physical health, including the cultivation of healthy  lifestyle choices. However, amidst the evident benefits, it remains imperative to address  the challenges faced by young volunteers, emphasizing the necessity of tailored support programs to navigate emotional complexities effectively. Altogether, these studies  underscore the imperative need for continued guidance and support, recognizing  volunteering as a pivotal tool not just for community aid but as a significant platform for  the comprehensive growth and well-being of young individuals. 


Laura Wray-Lake et al. (2010) – “Youth Volunteering in the Context of Positive Youth  Development” – Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 

Peggy G. Chen et al. (2019) – “The Health Benefits of Youth Engagement in Volunteer  Activities: A Review” – Journal of Healthcare Management. 

Kim D. Phipps, Linda M. Wells (2018) – “Positive and Negative Impacts of Youth  Engagement in Volunteering” – International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector  Marketing. 

Jessica Ham, Sarah Newman (2017) – “The Role of Youth Volunteering in the  Development of Social Capital and Active Citizenship” – Australian Journal on  Volunteering. 

Brown, J. M. et al. (2008) – “The Effects of Volunteering on the Physical and Mental  Health of Older People” – Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Konrath, S. et al. (2009) – “Youth Volunteering and Positive Youth Development” – The  Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology. 

Genari, J. et al. (2020) – “The Health and Well-being Benefits of Youth Volunteering: A  Systematic Review” – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Ham, J. et al. (2017) – “The Role of Youth Volunteering in the Development of Social  Capital and Active Citizenship” – Australian Journal on Volunteering. 

1Luciana Aparecida Gomes is an impeccable professional whose career has evolved  across various areas of the pharmaceutical industry – from customer service, reception  and verification of pharmaceutical products, sales, logistics, storage, inventory control, and quality verification of inputs, pharmaceutical assistance, humanized treatment,  good dispensing practices, and pharmacy care, ensuring drug interchangeability,  drafting legal documents for public tenders as per legislation, vendor registration,  quotas and purchases, and preparing and monitoring reports for sanitary surveillance.  Ms. Luciana Aparecida Gomes’ extraordinary knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, along with a strong commitment and willingness to help others, has resulted  in significant professional achievements and immense contributions made to the  broader social community, making Ms. Luciana Aparecida Gomes a highly esteemed and  recognized individual in the local community. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in  Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ms. Luciana Aparecida Gomes entered the workforce and has  since never stopped improving her knowledge and skills in various directions, developing  a broad set of professional skills over a career spanning nearly two decades. Ms. Luciana  Aparecida Gomes began her career in the form of internships while still in school,  demonstrating great effort and dedication in managing many complex responsibilities  and evolving professionally. Her effort, commitment, versatile experience, and  exceptional performances were acknowledged and recognized, propelling Ms. Luciana  Aparecida Gomes’ career towards more and higher-responsibility roles, from  Pharmaceutical Distribution Apprentice and Management Assistant to Pharmaceutical  Distribution Operations Manager, Pharmacy Manager, and Corporate Client Service  Representative.