REGISTRO DOI: 10.69849/revistaft/cl10202503081048

Alice Estivalet Visentini1
Cláudia Smaniotto Barin2
Vânia Lucia Loro3


Resveratrol (RSV) is a polyphenol widely studied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, predominantly found in various plants, with Polygonum cuspidatum being a source with higher concentration. In addition to regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and activating sirtuins like SIRT1, RSV shows promising applications in modulating inflammatory processes and protecting against cellular damage. This scientometric review analyzed the scientific output from the past 10 years on the effects of RSV in fish, aiming to identify trends, gaps, and institutional collaborations. A search was conducted on the PubMed platform between 2013 and 2024, using the terms “fish” and “resveratrol.” Following screening with the RAYYAN® software, 49 original studies were selected. The analyses were performed in RStudio® using the bibliometrix package for bibliographic mapping and VOSviewer® for keyword and term analysis. The findings revealed a consistent increase in publications, peaking in 2022 and 2023. China led scientific contributions, highlighting collaborations between China and the USA. Author Zheng Y emerged as the most productive and influential, while the journal Fish & Shellfish Immunology was the primary dissemination platform. Keywords such as resveratrol, oxidative stress, and zebrafish dominated the publications, reflecting a focus on antioxidants and the zebrafish model. The thematic mapping highlighted terms like metabolism and pharmacology as well-established areas, whereas topics such as the fish tilapia revealed research gaps. The results provided a comprehensive overview of research trends involving RSV, emphasizing the importance of expanding studies on new models and therapeutic applications.

Keywords: aquatic nutrition; fish diet; aquatic health; antioxidant.


Resveratrol (RSV) is a polyphenol found in the skins of foods such as grapes, peanuts, and berries. The compound has emerged as a promising bioactive molecule in numerous studies due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Found in at least 72 plant species, its highest concentrations are present in the dried roots of Polygonum cuspidatum (Zhang et al. Meng et al. 2021). RSV has demonstrated its potential in managing reactive oxygen species (ROS), protecting against cellular damage, and modulating inflammatory processes in various studies. Additionally, it is a potent activator of sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, which is associated with longevity and delayed aging (Wilson et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2020; Kari et al. 2024). Although its low bioavailability poses a challenge, its benefits have been widely demonstrated in cellular, molecular, and in vivo studies (Wang et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2023). Numerous studies have investigated the efficacy of RSV in reducing oxidative stress and improving metabolic parameters in fishes, highlighting its role in preventing or mitigating dysfunctions related to these processes (Sheng et al. 2018; Ren et al. 2020). 

In this context, this scientometric review aims to identify, through descriptive statistical analyses, the scientific production over the past 10 years related to the effects of RSV in fishes. The quantification of research data on this topic enables the identification of trends and gaps, facilitating the exploration of unexplored niches.


2.1 Research sources, identification, and criteria for inclusion of studies

Scientometric analysis enables the evaluation of research progress and trends in specific fields of knowledge, providing a comprehensive view of scientific and technological development (van Raan, 2019). Using qualitative and quantitative criteria, it was possible to identify publication patterns, institutional collaborations, and the evolution and impact of studies in the field, offering a solid foundation to guide future investigations. A search was conducted in the PubMed database for studies that tested the effects of RSV on different fish species. The following search terms were used: “fish” AND “resveratrol.” The search was performed with a starting date limited to 2013 and an end date of 2024. Keywords were searched in English, and only open-access studies were selected. A total of 129 references were retrieved and imported into the RAYYAN® platform. Initially, the studies were screened based on their titles and abstracts. Review articles, dissertations, theses, scientific notes, and book chapters were excluded. Studies addressing synergistic effects involving RSV were also disregarded.

The articles included met the following criteria: (1) originality, research conducted with fish species and resveratrol; (2) treatments with resveratrol at any concentration, duration, and fish species; (3) “ex vivo” studies.

Only articles that directly addressed the effects of resveratrol on fish species and met the aforementioned criteria were selected. After evaluating all the criteria, 49 articles remained for mapping in this study, as shown in the flowchart in Fig 1.


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Fig. 1 Flowchart of the corpus used for scientometric analysis. Source: The authors.

2.2 Data extraction

The data were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 365®. For bibliometric analysis, the RStudio® software (version 4.2.1) was employed, utilizing the bibliometrix package. The biblioshiny command facilitated analyses of keyword occurrences, collaboration between countries and authors, and the identification of emerging topics. Additionally, the VOSviewer® software was also used. These tools enable the mapping of authors and countries, helping to identify and visualize the main factors contributing to the evolution of knowledge in the research field under study.


3.1 Characteristics of the Publications

The number of selected articles was mapped by year (Fig 2). The analysis showed an increase in the number of publications per year, starting from the first mapped publication (2013) up to 2024. The highest numbers of publications occurred in 2022 and 2023, with 11 and 9 publications, respectively. All 49 selected articles were published in English, regardless of the country of origin.

Fig. 2 Mapping of publications by year. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.

Furthermore, with the aid of RStudio® software (version 4.2.1) and using the bibliometrix package, the countries of origin of the publications and the main collaborations between them were mapped. Contributing countries are colored in blue, and the intensity of the color is proportional to the number of publications in the field (Fig 3). The map analysis shows that China leads in publications regarding the effects of RSV on fish species. China is the largest producer of aquaculture fish in the world; therefore, research to improve fish health and growth is essential for the local economy. The United States of America (USA) and Brazil also stand out in scientific production in this field, which aligns with the growing global concern for sustainability and environmental conservation. 

Moreover, the establishment of cooperation between countries has been encouraged as it fosters scientific advancement. The map shows that the main cooperation network is established between the USA and China. The USA-China network not only drives science forward but also offers a model of how international collaboration can overcome obstacles related to competition for technological leadership, address global challenges, and benefit humanity. In addition to the USA-China collaboration, it is worth noting that other countries, such as Brazil, India, and European nations, are also contributing to the field, albeit to a lesser extent. These collaborations are crucial for addressing global challenges in aquaculture, such as disease outbreaks, environmental stressors, and the need for sustainable practices. The inclusion of diverse geographical perspectives enriches the scientific discourse and promotes the development of innovative solutions that can be adapted to different aquaculture systems worldwide.


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Fig. 3 Map of scientific production and cooperation between countries in research. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.

3.2 Authorship Analysis

The 10 authors responsible for the majority of the research in this review were quantified (Fig 4a). The most prominent author in the publications is Zheng Y, who has been establishing a solid foundation of publications in the field over the years, with a total of 6 publications (Kari et al. 2024; Meng et al. 2021; Ren et al. 2020; Sheng et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2021). Other authors stand out with peaks of annual production, such as Zhu H (Zhu et al. 2023; Wang et al. 2019; Ren et al. 2020; Sheng et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2021) and Huang Y (Ren et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2023; Zhang et al. 2021), who account for 5 and 4 publications, respectively. The consistency of publications in the field over time reflects a specific interest in the topic, which contributes to higher scientific quality. Additionally, cooperation networks between authors were created using RStudio® software (version 4.2.1) with the bibliometrix package (Fig 4b). The formation of these networks drives scientific development, resulting in more impactful research. The software generated a network composed of 5 clusters (red, blue, green, purple, and orange). The network revealed that the researcher with the highest number of publications, Zheng Y, is also the one who makes the most connections with other authors. This result may suggest a direct relationship between the establishment of cooperation networks among authors and scientific development. 

Furthermore, author Zheng Y leads in Betweenness Centrality and Page Rank parameters. High Betweenness indicates the author’s influence in connecting otherwise disconnected areas and their ability to facilitate the exchange of information. Similarly, a high Page Rank indicates that the author is influential because they are also connected to other influential authors. On the other hand, author Izquierdo M leads in Closeness Centrality, a parameter that indicates the author’s greater accessibility within the network, which enhances the fluidity of information exchange. The prominence of Zheng Y in the authorship network underscores the importance of fostering collaboration among researchers. This is particularly relevant in the context of RSV research, where interdisciplinary approaches combining biochemistry, toxicology, and aquaculture are essential for advancing knowledge. Future studies could benefit from expanding these networks to include researchers from diverse fields, such as nanotechnology (for improving RSV bioavailability) and environmental science (for assessing the ecological impact of RSV use in aquaculture).


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Fig. 4 a. Authors’ production over time; b. Cooperation network among authors. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.

3.3 Sources

The 10 journals that published the largest number of studies included in this review were identified (Fig 5). The leading journal in publications for this review was Fish & Shellfish Immunology, with 6 publications. This journal specializes in immunology applied to fish and mollusks, covering studies on immune responses, defense mechanisms, and interactions with environmental factors. Its relevance to this review lies in the publication of studies exploring the effects of resveratrol on fish immunity, investigating how this bioactive compound can modulate immune responses and enhance disease resistance in aquaculture systems. In second place, the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Toxicology & Pharmacology published 5 studies on the subject of this review. This journal focuses on comparative studies in biochemistry and physiology, with an emphasis on toxicology and pharmacology. In the context of this review, the published studies often explore the potential of resveratrol as a protective agent against environmental toxicity and oxidative stress in fish.  

The remaining journals shown published 3 or 2 articles included in this review. The analysis of these journals reflects the diversity of scientific approaches applied to evaluating the effects of RSV on fish, including immunomodulation, toxicity, and environmental health. Thus, the compound stands out for its involvement in various mechanisms that need to be well elucidated for its full potential to be harnessed. The dominance of Fish & Shellfish Immunology and Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Toxicology & Pharmacology in the publication landscape highlights the interdisciplinary nature of RSV research. These journals provide a platform for studies that bridge the gap between basic science and applied aquaculture, emphasizing the translational potential of RSV research. Future studies could explore the integration of RSV with other bioactive compounds, such as probiotics or prebiotics, to enhance its efficacy in aquaculture settings.


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Fig. 5 Top 10 sources with the highest number of publications. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.

3.4 Keywords and prominent terms in titles and abstracts

The analysis of the co-occurrence of authors’ keywords and the terms from the titles and abstracts of publications provides insights into relevant topics and helps identify existing research gaps. Using the VOSviewer® software, co-occurrence networks of keywords (Fig 6a) and terms from titles and abstracts (Fig 6b) were created. In Fig 6a, it is evident that the keyword Resveratrol, the compound addressed in this review, appears most frequently in the publications. Additionally, the keyword oxidative stress also stands out in the network, as does zebrafish. These keywords suggest that the use of RSV in oxidative stress in zebrafish is a key focus of research. Regarding the analysis of terms from titles and abstracts (Fig 6b), the term oxidative stress is also prominent, along with the zebrafish model. The analysis of oxidative stress and the use of zebrafish as a model are highly significant in toxicological research, particularly in studies on bioactive compounds such as resveratrol. The oxidative stress process plays an essential role in many pathological conditions. Studying oxidative stress in fish enables researchers to better understand the mechanisms through which RSV can protect cells from damage and improve overall organism health. Moreover, zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a widely used model in scientific research due to its ease of handling in the laboratory, short life cycle, and high fecundity, allowing large-scale experiments to be conducted in a short time frame. Its high genomic homology with humans ensures that the results obtained have strong translational applicability to human health studies. The analysis of the networks suggests scientific interest in the highlighted keywords and terms, offering insights into the current research landscape involving the use of RSV in fish studies.

The prominence of zebrafish as a model organism in RSV research underscores its utility in studying complex biological processes. However, there is a need to expand research to other economically important species, such as tilapia, salmon, and carp, which are widely cultivated in aquaculture. These species face unique challenges, such as disease susceptibility and environmental stressors, which could be mitigated through RSV supplementation. Additionally, future studies could explore the use of RSV in combination with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C or astaxantina, to enhance its protective effects.


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Fig. 6 a. Co-occurrence analysis of authors’ keywords; b. Co-occurrence analysis of terms in titles and abstracts. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.

3.5 Overview of Emerging and Declining Topics in Scientific Production

Emerging and declining topics related to the subject of this review were identified. The analyses were conducted using RStudio® software (version 4.2.1) with the bibliometrix library, which provided a thematic map (Fig 7) based on the centrality and density of the topics. The centrality analysis assesses the importance of a term within an academic citation network. Terms with high centrality are those connected to many other concepts and are considered key nodes in the network. These represent the main topics in the research field, indicating widely discussed and interconnected subjects. Similarly, density represents the strength of local connections around a specific term, reflecting how closely the concepts directly linked to it are related to one another. The analysis highlights the scientific significance of terms such as zebrafish, reactive oxygen species, metabolism, resveratrol, pharmacology, and therapeutic use, as well as oxidative stress, DARPs, sirtuin 1 metabolism, and metabolism. The high density and centrality of these terms suggest that they are part of well-established areas in research, representing core and highly developed topics. Conversely, topics with low centrality and density, such as tilapia, are part of areas that remain underexplored or are still developing. This analysis is highly relevant to researchers in this field, as it reveals emerging topics, well-explored subjects, and areas requiring further attention or currently lacking scientific relevance.

The thematic map also highlights the potential for future research on the use of RSV in tilapia and other understudied species. Tilapia, for example, is a globally important aquaculture species, and understanding how RSV can improve its health and productivity could have significant economic and environmental benefits. Additionally, the map suggests that topics such as “metabolism” and “pharmacology” are well-established, indicating a strong foundation for further exploration of RSV’s mechanisms of action. Future studies could focus on optimizing RSV delivery methods, such as encapsulation or nanoformulations, to enhance its bioavailability and efficacy in aquatic environments.

Linha do tempo

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Fig. 7 Thematic map of topics based on relevance and centrality in scientific productions. Source: derived from the articles selected in this review.


This scientometric review highlights the growing scientific interest in the effects of RSV on fish, with a peak in publications in 2022–2023 and China leading the research, reinforced by international collaborations, mainly with the USA. Zheng Y stands out as a central author, driving interdisciplinary cooperation networks. Research is primarily focused on zebrafish and oxidative stress, consolidating themes such as metabolism and pharmacology, while species like tilapia remain overlooked. The analysis revealed critical gaps, including the need for studies on diverse models and innovative RSV administration methods. Prioritizing these areas will expand RSV’s potential for aquaculture sustainability and aquatic health, aligning scientific advancements with global demands.


Kari, Z. A., Téllez-Isaías, G., Khoo, M. I., Wee, W., Kabir, M. A., Cheadoloh, R., & Wei, L. S. (2024). Resveratrol impacts on aquatic animals: A review. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 50(1), 307-318.

Meng, T., Xiao, D., Muhammed, A., Deng, J., Chen, L., & He, J. (2021). Anti-inflammatory action and mechanisms of resveratrol. Molecules, 26(1), 229.

Ren, F., Huang, Y., Tao, Y., Ji, C., Aniagu, S., Jiang, Y., & Chen, T. (2020). Resveratrol protects against PM2.5-induced heart defects in zebrafish embryos as an antioxidant rather than as an AHR antagonist. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 398, 115029.

Sheng, W., Lu, Y., Mei, F., Wang, N., Liu, Z. Z., Han, Y. Y., … & Zhang, X. (2018). Effect of resveratrol on sirtuins, OPA1, and Fis1 expression in adult zebrafish retina. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 59(11), 4542-4551.

Van Raan, A. (1996). Advanced bibliometric methods as quantitative core of peer review-based evaluation and foresight exercises. Scientometrics, 36(3), 397-420.

Wang, M. C., Wang, Y. C., Peng, H. W., Hseu, J. R., Wu, G. C., Chang, C. F., & Tseng, Y. C. (2020). Resveratrol induces expression of metabolic and antioxidant machinery and protects tilapia under cold stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(9), 3338.

Wang, N., Luo, Z., Jin, M., Sheng, W., Wang, H. T., Long, X., Wu, Y., Hu, P., Xu, H., & Zhang, X. (2019). Exploration of age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and the anti-aging effects of resveratrol in zebrafish retina. Aging, 11(10), 3117–3137.

Wilson, W. N., Baumgarner, B. L., Watanabe, W. O., Alam, M. S., & Kinsey, S. T. (2015). Effects of resveratrol on growth and skeletal muscle physiology of juvenile southern flounder. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 183, 27-35.

Zhang, L. X., Li, C. X., Kakar, M. U., Khan, M. S., Wu, P. F., Amir, R. M., … & Li, J. H. (2021). Resveratrol (RV): A pharmacological review and call for further research. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 143, 112164.

Zhu, H., Li, X., Qiao, M., Sun, X., & Li, G. (2023). Resveratrol alleviates inflammation and ER stress through SIRT1/NRF2 to delay ovarian aging in a short-lived fish. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(4), 596-602.

1Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Bioquímica Toxicológica; Laboratório de Toxicologia Aquática; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – RS, Brazil.
2Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, Departamento de Química; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – RS, Brazil.
3Correspondig author. Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia   Molecular; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Bioquímica Toxicológica; Laboratório de Toxicologia Aquática; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – RS, Brazil. – E-mail: / Phone: +55 55 981477508