REGISTRO DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7878789

Jessica A. Sciammarelli1

1. Problem Statement and literature review 

1.1 Introduction 

The brain is the most complex part of the human body that controls memory, emotions,  touch, motor, thought, skills, vision, breathing, temperature and every process related to  regulating the human body. Usually, the brain tumour can be classified as malignant or  benign, and it can spread to other regions as sometimes not. (MRI) Magnetic Resonance  Imaging is the most common exam to identify the tumours, and later the resection surgery as  a decision that has to be made from neurosurgeon. The specialized doctor has to mark the  tumour region precisely and a manual method can be high time-consuming work for a doctor.  

Deep Learning has improved and demonstrated efficiency in many tasks, in special, the  (CNN)Convolutional Neural Networks has achieved the state-of-the-art in performing  medical image segmentation tasks. Nowadays it is possible to segment tumours in any kind  of shape, size and contrast through machine learning models, using MRI images. 3 D U-Net  architecture was selected because it is specialized for brain tumours segmentations and has  been successfully utilized for this type of tasks in the research field. 

Generally, U-Net architectures utilize fully convolutional networks with the encoder-decoder  strategy, it has variants which are proposed to apply to the brain segmentation task. The traditional U-Net, the Attention U-Net a variant of the traditional and it differentiates by  adding gates on the top of its architecture and the Residual U-Net which utilizes a shortcut  connection as variation of the architecture. The three architectures are successful in medical  segmentation tasks, the proposal is to identify the best performance and accuracy overall, specially when related to healthcare application it is critical to highly achieve accuracy in  the training. 

The academic reference of this thesis is based on other researchers work which applied  different models into the same task and solved the same problem in different way, some using  different datasets and training strategy, from there it emerges the interest to understand how  this U-Net variants works when is trained with same dataset and strategy. 

The dataset to be utilized is a public, open source available on Kaggle, which is very known  for competitions for learning data science and AI activities, this dataset is called Brats 2021  and it contains MRI images scans divided and annotated by specialist’s neuro-radiologists,  the images are in nii.gz format file and classified accordingly to the specific diagnosis.

1.2 Brain Tumour 

The anatomy of the brain is very complex, a brain tumour is a growth of abnormal cells in the  brain, it can be developed in any location, currently there are more than 120 different types of  tumours in the area and can be classified as benign and malign. 

The symptoms will vary depending on the brain tumour location, because different parts of  the brain control different parts of functions. The most general symptoms are 

2.Memory loss 
3.Seizures or convulsions 
4.Vision changes 
5.Dificulty thinking, speaking, or articulating  
6.Personality changes 
7.Vision changes. 

Usually, the diagnosis is made by a variety of imaging techniques such as CT, MRI,  angiogram or X-Rays to identify the tumours and their location. 

A biopsy can also be performed to determine if the tumours is benign or malign. 

The treatment will depends on each case and results, but mostly is a surgery, chemotherapy,  and radiation therapy. 

Fig.1. Understanding Brain Tumours Available at: https://www.yashodahospitals.com/blog/brain-tumours symptoms-causes-treatment/

1.3 MRI Images Exam Analysis 

Definition of MRI 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technology that produces 3D  detailed anatomical images. It is used for diagnosis, disease detection and treatment  monitoring. 

Accordingly, to Peter Lam from Medical News Today, an MRI scanner contains two  powerful magnets, which are the most important parts of the equipment. 

The scientific part behind is how it works, being more specific, it works by a radiofrequency  current that is pulsed through the patient and the protons are stimulated, and when the  radiofrequency is turned off, the MRI sensors are able to detect the energy released on the  protons that realign with the magnetic field. 

The process is the patient is placed inside a long magnet and remains during the imaging  processing in order to obtain an MRI image. 

Fig.2. MRI Image for the Brain, Available at: https://www.myvmc.com/investigations/3d-magnetic-resonance imaging-3d-mri/ 

Use Cases 

The MRI can be used for: 

-Anomalies of the brain 

-Tumor in general and other anomalies in different parts of the body 

-Breast Cancer 

-Certain types of heart problems 

-Suspected uterine anomalies 

-Diseases of the liver and other abdominal organs.

There are special types of MRI such as: 

1.Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Magnetic Resonance Venography (MRV) – useful to help the surgeon plan an operation. 

2.Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) – it measures biochemical changes in the area of  the brain. 

3.Magnetic Resonance Perfusion – it is used after the treatment to determine if an area that  still looks abnormal is remaining the tumour or not. 

4.Functional MRI (fMRI) – it is used to determine which part of the brain to avoid when  planning surgery or radiation therapy.

1.4 Convolutional Neural Networks 

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is a deep learning algorithm that takes an input and learns  its various aspects and objects of the image and after its training is capable to differentiate  one from the other according to the purpose. The most common use cases are in computer  vision for classification, object detection and segmentation of images datasets. 

CNN can have tens or hundreds of layers that can learn to detect different features, like other  neural networks, composed of input layers, hidden layers and output layers. The most  common layers are 

1.Convolution – the input images pass through a set of convolutional filters. 

2.Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu) – it is an activation function where only the activated features are  carried into the next layer. 

3.Pooling – Perform non-linear downsampling, reducing the parameters that the network has  to learn. 

Convolution Operation 

It is an operation of two functions of real valued arguments.it leverages three important ideas  that can improve a machine learning system which is sparse interactions, parameter sharing  and equivariant representation, in other words, it provides a means for working with inputs of  variable sizes. 

Pooling Operation 

A typical CNN consists of three stages, the first the layer performs several convolutions in  parallel to produce a set of linear activations. Second, each linear activation runs through a  non-linear activation function, third, a pooling function is used to modify the output of the  layer further. 

In other words, pooling supports to make the representation invariant to small translations of  the input. It replaces the output of the net at a certain location with a summary statistic of  nearby outputs. 

Pooling it is very handy in some situations as image classifications for example but can be  not the best solution for some architecture types such as autoencoders and Boltzmann Machines.

Fig.3. Traditional CNN Architecture, Available at https://medium.com/@hannahfarrugia/convolutional-neural networks-cnn-and-use-cases-in-health-b3b0fd75bcca 

There are many architectures of CNN available that can be performed in many cases, the  most knowns are  


Successful CNN applications 

CNN usually are applied in computer vision and image recognition tasks such as: -OCR and image recognition 

-Social Media face recognition 

-Image Analysis in Medicine 

-Objects Detection in self-driving cars 

Face Detection – it is used to detect faces in image, it can detect features such as eyes, nose, mouth with great accuracy. 

Face Emotion Recognition – it can classify facial expressions such as anger, sadness, or  happiness. 

Object Detection – It is used to localize and identify objects within images, also can create  different views of those objects such as for use in drones and autonomous vehicles. 

Autonomous Cars – It enables vehicles to detect obstacles or interpret street signs.

Cancer Detection – It can detect cancer in medical images such as mammograms and CT  scans. 

X-Ray Image Analysis – It can identify tumours or other abnormalities in X-Ray images and  determine which area of an X-Ray image contains a tumour or other abnormalities such as  fractures bones for example. 

3D Medical Image Segmentation – It can segment medical imaging scans, such as MRI  Images. 

Biometric Authentication – It can be used for biometric authentication of user identity by  associating certain physical characteristics with the person’s face. 

Other tasks, it can be used into different segments that can benefit from CNN development,  and it can be applied to different problems. This list is just an illustration of successful cases  but is not the limit of it.

1.5 CNN Segmentation 

CNN Segmentation divides a visual input into segments, which are made of sets of one or  more pixels. Image segmentation sorts pixels into larger components and eliminates the  need to consider pixels as a unit, the process of image segmentation starts with the definition  of small regions on an that should not be divided, this region is called seeds and the position  of it defines the tiles. 

The architecture for segmentation utilizes the encoder and decoder technique model, where  the encoder is used to encode the representation to be sent through the network and the  decoder to decode the representation back. 

Images Segmentations can be divided into: 

1.Semantic Segmentation – classifies the image like small groups of pixels that are likely to  belong to the same object, in other words, it means all pixels correspond to a class given to the  same pixel value. 

2.Instance Segmentation – each instance of an object is identified separately. Each object in the  image is identified differently. The pixels correspond to each instance or object of the class by  giving unique values; these values can range from 0 to N, where N refers to the total numbers  of objects in the image. 

By analyzing the two techniques, semantic segmentation can be applied when not necessarily  multi-classification tasks or a very meticulous segmentation, while instance segmentation can  be very handy to classify multiple objects or different localizations, and for a 3D Image  Analysis, specially for a brain segmentation where accuracy is highly important is the  indicated technique approach. 

Fig.4. Instance Segmentation in MRI Brain Images, Available at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/FD FCN%3A-3D-Fully-Dense-and-Fully-Convolutional-for-Yang Zhang/e07914b3103a0c49fafe2d6bf52f1435d8c2c67b 

1.6 Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) 

While a typical CNN is not fully convolutional, a FCN (Fully Convolutional Network) is a  neural network that only performs convolution, subsampling or up sampling operation. FCN  is a CNN without a fully connected layer. 

Other characteristic of FCN is that does not contain “dense” layers as in traditional CNN, but  instead contains 1×1 convolutions that perform the task of fully connected layers, which it  means, there are fewer parameters, as a result the networks are faster to train, and a handle a  wide range of image sizes since all connections are local. 

Unpooling (Network Upsampling) -While pooling converts a patch of values to a single  value, unpooling does the opposite, by converting a single into a patch of values 

Transposed Convolution – It is used to upsample the reduced resolution feature back to its  resolution, a set of strides and padding values is learned to obtain the final output from the  lower resolutions. 

Skip Connections – It is applied in the Upsampling stage from the earlier layers to provide  enough information to later layers to generate accurate segmentation boundaries. 

Example of FCN 

U-Net and its variations is an example of a convolution network, that is used for semantic  segmentation. 

Fig.5. Proposed Residual U-Net for lung CT segmentation, Available at : https://medium.com/codex/architectures for-medical-image-segmentation-part-3-residual-unet-ac5a4ca4212d

1.7 U Net Model for 3D Image Analysis 

U-Net Architecture  

U-Net Architecture was specially designed for Biomedical Image Segmentation in 2015 by  Olof Ronnebeger.Today it is applied into other problems that require semantic segmentation  tasks. It is a fully convolutional neural network that can learn from a few training examples. 

It has a U-shape encoder-decoder architecture, with four encoder and decoder blocks  connected. Some researchers have tried some adjustments in this architecture, one new  utilization was adding dropout together with the ReLu activation function, this modification  helps the network learn from different representations and avoids overfitting. 

Another modification made in the architecture was the addition of a batch normalization layer  between the convolution layer and the ReLu, with the objective to make the network more  stable during the training. 

Encoder Network  

The encoder network behaves as a feature extractor and learns the abstract representation of the  input image through a sequence of the encoder blocks. Each encoder block has two 3×3  convolutions, with each convolution followed by an activation function, usually it is applied to ReLu. 

The output of ReLu behaves as skip connection for the corresponding decoder blocker, then ,  it follows a 2×2 max-pooling , to reduce the feature maps to half, by utilizing the spatial  dimensions. This technique decreases the number of trainable parameters and reduces the  computational cost. 


Connecting the encoder and decoder network, it has 3×3 convolutions followed by a ReLu  activation function, with the objective to complete the flow of information. 

Decoder Network 

The state-of-the-art happens here, where the decoder network takes the abstract representation  and generates a semantic segmentation. The decoder initializes with a 2×2 transpose  convolution, then concatenate with the corresponding skip connection feature map from the  encoder block, to finalize, it is used two 3×3 convolution, with each convolution followed by  an activation, usually used ReLu here too. 

As output, it uses 1×1 convolution with sigmoid activation function, where it will give the  segmentation representing the classification.

Fig.6. U-Net Architecture. Each blue box corresponds to a multi-channel feature map, the number of channels  can be visualized on the top of the box, while the white boxes represent copied feature maps.
Available at:  https://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/people/ronneber/u-net/

Attention U-Net Architecture  

This architecture can be applied in natural language processing and natural image analysis,  but it is being used for medical image segmentation as well, due to automatically learning on target  structures and variation of the shapes and sizes. 

The Attention context was introduced in “Need to pay attention” by Jetley et al. , where it  trains an end-to-end attention module. 

Attention Gates 

To improve segmentation performance, the proposal by Khened et al. and Roth et al. was to  integrate attention gates on the top of the U-Net Architecture, without need to train additional  models. 

As a result, the attention gate improved the model sensitivity and accuracy without using  computation overhead. 

This technique is applied before the concatenation operation to merge only relevant activation, allowing model parameters in prior layers to be updated based on spatial regions  that are relevant to a given task. 

Grid-based gating 

It is used to improve the attention mechanism; when implemented, the gating signal is not a  single global vector for all image pixels, but a grid signal conditioned to image spatial  information. 

When this method is applied, it allows attention coefficients to be more specific to local regions,  the results is a better performance compared to gating based on a global feature vector. 

Fig.7. Attention U-Net Architecture. Available at: https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-attention-u-net-learning where-to-look-for-the-pancreas-biomedical-image-segmentation-e5f4699daf9f

Residual U-Net Architecture  

The residual U-Net was created for image segmentation cases in recent years, with the  objective to introduce the shortcut connection, to solve the problem of degradation. The main reason for that was because very deep networks were not capable of handling the  problem of degradation. 

Deep Residual U-Nets is a great architecture for complex image analysis tasks, being successfully used in applications such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, brain tissue  quantification, brain structure mapping, etc. 

This technique improves the flow of information in the network, by reformulating the layers  as learning residual functions to the layer inputs. This approach solves the degradation  problem in a deep network. 

It contains a set of residual blocks, each of which consists of stacked layers such as batch  normalization, ReLu activation and weight layer. Shortcut connection means skips one or  more layers in the network. 

When a residual unit is built, then the next step is to build a very deep convolutional encoder decoder by stacking residual units. 

Four stages are used in the encoder and decoder part and each stage uses residual blocks. The  stage is considered a unit where stage 1 has 3 units, stage 2 and 3 have 4 and 6 units  respectively and stage 4 has 3 units. 

Encoder Part 

The architecture has a total of 50 convolutional layers in the encoder part, the convolution  operations are performed in each block. 

The input image is resized to 128×128, followed by a batch normalization, then is carried  with filter side 3×3. 

Decoder Part 

Consists of Up Sampling layer, concatenation layer followed by stack convolution, batch  normalization and ReLu activation. Lastly, a 1×1 convolutional layer followed by a sigmoid  activation function. This part is used to generate the probability score at the output of the  model.

Fig.8. Residual U-Net Architecture. Available at: https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/papers/2004.12668/

2. Description of the technique/procedure analyzed   

2.1 Experiments 

A GPU is interesting to have to perform the task, due to the high complexity of the model and  size of the dataset. 

GPU performs faster calculations due to its parallel architecture, while CPU takes far longer time to deliver the results of the same training. 

Keras/Tensorflow was selected for the experiment since it is faster to learn and popular for  commercial environments and producing solutions. Anyway, it is interesting to experiment with  other frameworks such as Pytorch, which is known between academics and for research  environments, it has a higher learning curve than other competitors. 

Those are not the only frameworks available on the market, it has other options but the most  acceptable and utilized by the community are the ones mentioned. 

For code execution, anaconda is selected using jupyter notebook, the libraries imported are  numpy, pandas, tensorflow, keras, scipy, scikit-learn and installed properly. 

The process for the implementation is: 

1.Import the libraries that are going to be used in the task. 

2.Dataset downloaded, divided, and organized into 2 sets, training and test set respectively 

3.Each specific Architecture separately into different cell (U-Net, Attention U-Net and  Residual U-Net individually with its own variation) , only parameter has kept the same is  Optimizer = Adam and learning rate = 0.001 

4.After the dataset is prepared, the next step is the model implementation receiving the following  hyperparameters. 

Batch Size = 64, Epochs = 5, Validation Steps = 200//, Steps per Epoch = 800//batch  5.Evaluation methods, which is the same for each architecture and classified into: Loss Function = binary_crossentropy , metrics = accuracy and dice coefficient 

The evaluation metrics will bring the necessary information after the training for each  architecture and then it is possible to analyze it on a table sheet and do the comparison  between the results.

2.2 Dataset 

The BraTz 2021 dataset contains MRI scans of glioma, pathologically confirmed diagnosis  and available open source for training, validation, testing with different models  

All the datasets have been annotated by specialists, and by one of the four rates, classified as: 

➔ GD Enhancing Tumor (ET Label 4) 

➔ Peritumoral edematous/invaded tissue (ED Label 2) 

➔ Necrotic tumor core (NCR Label 1) 

The format files are NIfTI files (.nii.gz) ,with the collaboration of many institutions, that  provided various scanners and different clinical protocols to enrich the quality of the dataset.  The division of the files are native (T1), post-contrast T1 – weighted (T1GD), T2-Weighted  (T2) and T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery. 

Fig.9. Sample of the dataset. Available at: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/dschettler8845/brats-2021- task1

2.3 Training 

As a training, after the libraries are imported, the next is to download and extract the images  into a new file. A function called Data_Preprocessing it utilizes numpy to divide the datasets  in Flair,T1,T1ce,T2 and GT , which is a classification of the images accordingly to its  particular condition and already defined by the dataset which was classified by specialists, so  in this steps the objective is just to separate the images by its divisions. 

Fig.10. Dataset downloading and preparation of the data, printed by the author 

Next function is Data_Concatenate where it receives the parameter called input_data , the  objective here is to concatenate the data, then is converted into float type and receives the  division as the training set and testing set. 

As the traditional way is divided into X_train, X_test, Y_train , Y_test = train_test_split  (TR,TRL ## Here are numpy arrays commonly ## ,test_size , random_state). 

It receives the slices by utilizing tensorflow framework and it is checked to assure if all the  data is in the same format for the training. 

Data augmentation is performed by changing the brightness, Gama, crop and rotation, with the  intention to produce a better data quality and resolution in the moment of the training. 

1. U-Net Model  

The step for data preparation is completed, then can start with the architecture U-Net Model  ##At this part it will receive the updates for the next training with the other U-Net variants ## 

The U-Net model first receives a convolution function defining the kernel size, padding,  strides, batch normalization and ReLu activation function.

Next is the Model function, the first convolution receives the input and the maxpooling, the  second till fourth convolution increase values and receives maxpooling again, from the fifth  till eighth convolution it adds the upsampling method, the ninth convolution is the output, and  it has sigmoid activation function to produce the final outcome. 

2. Attention U-Net Model  

It starts with a function gating_signal (for the attention unit), where it defines the batch  normalization and ReLu activation function as parameters. 

Next is the function called attention_block, that is based on soft attention, where it will receive  the kernel size, strides, passing and upsampling. 


Here it comes the bigger structure of the model architecture, where a function called  Attention_UNet receives a dropout = 0.2 (this was mentioned before that it can be utilized to  increase the performance of the model) , downsampling layers divided into four steps  receiving convolutional parameters and maxpooling, the fifth variable it ends by receiving  only convolutional parameters. 


Here starts the state-of-the-art, it is divided into four gates, where it will receive the  gating_signal and attention_block that was defined as functions before.As completion of the  variable it receives the sigmoid activation function as final outcome for the model. 

3. Residual U-Net Model  

This architecture starts by defining its filters, kernel size, upsample size, batch normalization  and dropout=0.2 


Starts with four stages receiving the parameters defined above and one layer of maxpooling  in each stage.The fifth state and last does not receive maxpooling as the difference of the  model shape. 


It has four stages as well, upsample size, layers concatenation, kernel size , batch  normalization , filters and dropout. 

As the fifth stage receives the final convolutional, together with a sigmoid activation function

Post- Model Architecture 

With the model created then can check the summary for the model, the results for the U-Net  is the same by having a total parameters: 3.297.792 , Trainable parameters: 3.294.849 , Non Trainable parameters: 2,944 

Fig.11. Model Summarization for Illustration, printed by the author  

For the compilation for the model the optimizer selected is Adam at learning rate = 0.001 ,  binary cross-entropy as loss function , metrics for evaluation = accuracy and dice coefficient. 

The model training is at this stage, when it applied the model.fit to receive data training, steps  per epoch, validation steps and number of the epochs. 

After training the model, the output is ready to be visualized as quantitative and plotted by  graphic methods.

3.Extensions (improvements and future of lines of research)   

3.1 Results 

First result that got attention was the data visualization before and after the data augmentation for the images, it is very clear that the image after this treatment, got a better resolution and  brightness, this can be very handy to support the algorithm to improve its accuracy. 

Fig.12. Comparison of the image resolution before and after data augmentation, printed by the author 

Other observation made, is that some tasks require a bigger number of epochs to reach a good performance, the understanding here is not only the quality and size of dataset makes the difference, but also the architecture model that is going to be utilized.

U-Net models and its variants performs and fit into the task very well , and the difference as  performance regarding the speed , the traditional U-Net is faster than the others, but when it  comes as final output of performance in terms of accuracy and dice coefficient there are very small difference, but for a brain segmentation case, it is critical and required to reach the  highest accuracy possible in the training.

The image below clearly shows a good resolution, segmentation and has only received 5  number of epochs during the training, which demonstrates a sign that U-Net and variants are  interesting models to be applied in the Medical Image Analysis Segment. 

Fig.13. Outputs after training completed, printed by the author

3.2 Performance of the models  

This stage is to compare the performance for U-Net, Attention U-Net and Residual U-Net  individually after the training and compare the results, with the objective to evaluate the  performance, which is the final objective of the proposal. 

As the accuracy happens during the training of each epoch , it improves over the time and  with more training of the model , all the variants reach a good performance and the  differentiation as accuracy metric is very small as it shows in the sheet table , as the Attention  U-Net receives the best performance overall , but the Residual U-Net it is very close to  achieve the same results, while the U-Net performed well but it is a bit way from the other  two variants, but still the number differentiation is minimum as well. 

Models Accuracy Median Overall
U-Net 0.965 ; 0.9 ; 0.882 0,9156
Att-U-Net 0.966 ; 0.905 ; 0.893 0,9213
Res-U-Net 0.964 ; 0.903; 0.893 0,92

The second metric to evaluate the performance is the dice coefficient, it is performed during  the training while the number of epochs is running, and it works in the same way it improves  over time and by training the model, this table sheet demonstrates mean dice coefficient over all the model’s architectures and again it shows a similar result as the accuracy. All the U-Net  variants perform very well, but the best overall is the Attention U-Net followed closely by  Residual U-Net and lastly U-Net, but with no underestimation at all.

Models Mean Dice Coef
U-Net 0.9100
Att-U-Net 0.9110
Res-U_Net 0.9103

3.3 Discussion 

It was observed that it has increased the research of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical  Analysis Images, not only for MRI exams, but also X-Ray and CT and applied into different  cases mostly for automation of diagnosis. 

The algorithms are learning from the patterns how to identify based on the training, if a  person has determined disease or not, there are papers available not only for brain  segmentation, but for other types of cancers located in the prostate, pancreas and other organs. 

Besides that, even with the advance of AI still it has limitations, being applied to only a  specific problem, in other words, it creates a specialist system, but not a general system that  is capable of identifying all diagnoses in multiple regions at once. 

The fully convolutional networks and segmentation techniques are very handy to perform this  task because a precision is required in the localization of these tumors. Perhaps, the U-Net  and its variants are the most used in the medical field for segmentation but are not the only  ones available for training a model, but naturally the model will need to follow some  principals as the image segmentation for example. 

The interesting part to use the U-Net is because is encoder-decoder type , and usually deal  very well with a large dataset that is enough to train a model and the type of formats and size  this files usually have, a traditional CNN may not be enough to handle it with a good  accuracy , adding also how this architectures treats a image for learning during the process is  very meticulous and exactly what is necessary for this kind of task where every single details  should not be lost during the analysis. 

The brain segmentation is a challenging task, because of the necessity of the precision on the  evaluations, and where error can be critical as it is dealing with humans’ life.  

Although these models are explainable and work in a very objective way, there is still the  idea to be a black box, still there is the necessity to somehow understand completely how  these algorithms really learn and assure that it will work with efficiency at all the time. 

The advance of science on AI has increased exponentially, but still there are many  mechanisms that need and might be improved in the future, regarding hardware’s, new  model’s architectures, new mathematical equations, new discoveries in the neuroscience that  can help these intelligent systems improve its methods and reach to a new stage inside the  Artificial Intelligence Field. 

The integration of AI in medicine is not closed only to image segmentations, and there are  new technologies emerging in the segment such as Da Vinci robot that supports the doctors on the  surgery, machine learning algorithms that can identify some diagnosis, treatments and  preventions, Robot assistants and even Internet of things in the healthcare. 

It is just the beginning of the context, and the objective was not to close the subject, instead  open the door for new forms to create new modes with different approaches.

3.4 Conclusion and future of the work 

As a conclusion, the experiment was performed using U-Net, Attention U-Net and Residual  U-Net for the brain tumor segmentation case utilizing the BraTz 2021 dataset, which is open  source and available on Kaggle for training models and incentives the research on the  segment. 

It started by defining how the brain tumors can start, classifications, diagnosis and treatment,  then as part of diagnosis is the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image), which provides high  resolution images, to support the specialists to identify with precision where the tumors is  located. 

As the problem is defined, the next approach is to introduce the part of Artificial Intelligence  can support in this case, which a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) is detailed and  followed by instance segmentation and FCN (Fully convolutional Networks), which is the  theory that comes the U-Net and its variants and it is generally used for medical analysis  segmentation. 

It reaches the core by detailing and explaining how this encoder-decoder model works  individually, as each U-Net variant is very similar, but it has some modifications in its  architecture. 

By carrying out this information, it is ready to do the experiment and evaluate the  performance for each model. The entire implementation received the same dataset and  hyperparameters such as number of epochs, batch size, batch normalization, optimizer,  learning rate and final metrics. 

Based on the experiment, the U-Net presents a great performance even with small number of  epochs, which demonstrates it is a very good model architecture, but as final performance in  terms of accuracy and dice coefficient Attention U-Net takes the advantage over the other  variants, but with a very small difference in accuracy as it shows in a table sheet in the final  performance stage. 

The future of work for Artificial Intelligence is promising in the Medical Analysis Image as  the U-Net and its variants, but it is not the final results, performance or architecture. 

It is interesting to try new learning rates, number of epochs, differentiate the datasets,  different metrics for evaluations, including adding other types of U-Nets or other model  architecture, in other words, try to solve the same problem in different ways to understand the  results from different perspectives and what it changes during the way. 

Lastly, it is highly encourage and worth the attention for research and development in the  brain segmentation case , as in other types of cancer images and diagnosis, as the U-Nets can  be utilized for other tasks as well , and the incentive to improve and create new architecture  models, GPU and frameworks that can make the AI one day support the doctors in faster  diagnosis and treatments, and as result a better efficiency in the medicine sector.

3.5 References 

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1Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning